We decided to spend our last week in the Indian subcontinent in Havelock, part of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal. Only few of them are open to tourism and Havelock is home of the famous beach no. 7 or Radha Nagar, the best beach in Asia according to the Time Magazine and surely, the best beach I have been at.
The beach stretches about 1km long and 30m wide, depending on the tide, white sand and crystal blue waters, at the end of a dense mangrove forest.
Havelock is a very good place for diving and snorkeling with some diving schools. I did not have the chance to go to scuba school – yet – so the only option was snorkeling. The day was good but the water was a little rough and visibility was not great, nevertheless it was worth it.
It was Holi day, the spring festival of colors for Hindus.
Besides the beach and diving, there is not much you can do in the Andamans, but I would highly recommend Havelock for relaxing after a visit in the mainland.